Male Waxing

This warm wax method is used for quick and hygienic removal of unwanted hair from almost any part of the body leaving the skin smooth for up to 6 weeks (depending on hair growth). Regular waxing produces finer hair and can over the course of time reduce hair growth.
Back and Shoulders £28.00
Back, Shoulders and Upper Arms £32.00
Chest £20.00
Chest, Back and Shoulders £42.00
Eyebrows £12.00
Abdomen £15.00
Chest and Abdomen £30.00
Full Arms and Hands £25.00
Legs £45.00
Full Body £85.00
  • +Contra-indications to Waxing

    for more advice and information please speak to an advisor who will be able discuss your concerns

    Open Cuts, Abrasions Or Infected Wounds ~ high risk of cross contamination.

    Diabetes ~ can bruise easily, may have thin skin, monitor and wax with caution.

    Herpex Simplex Commonly Known As Cold Sore ~ highly contagious, temporary infection that causes cross infection. Cannot wax in or near affected area.

    Varicose Veins ~ avoid veins completely but may work outside the vein area.

    Operations or Recent Scar Tissue ~ must wait 6 months after surgery.

    Psoriasis ~ could cause cross contamination if open and infected.

    Eczema ~ not to be waxed if skin is flared, open or infected.

    Hairy Moles ~ not to be waxed over, work around mole.

    Chemical Exfoliation/Medication ~ please discuss with an advisor.


Spray Tan/Self Tan ~ waxing may remove spray tan, leaving patches.

Sun Bed/Bathing/Sauna/Heat ~ allow 24 hours before or after having any wax treatment.