One of our popular Anti Ageing Facials at Abate MediSpa is our Red Light Facial. The results clearly speak for themselves which is why our happy clients keep returning. Not only does this treatment restore and maintain your skin’s health it also uplifts and tones as well as being a very relaxing treatment with no downtime involved. For many years we have incorporated the use of Red Light Therapy into our facial programmes with excellent results and we have noticed significant improvements in clients skins who incorporated Red Light Therapy into their facial programme with the added benefits of:
- Reduction of lines and wrinkles
- Texture and tone increased
- Pigmentation reduced and in many cases removed completely
- Moisture retention was maintained
- Lifted and toned the skin to give a more healthy youthful appearance
- Anti ageing and rejuvenating
- Helps to combat acne and problematic skin
Visible Red Light Therapy penetrates the top layer of the skin restoring lustre and radiance to an other wise dull unhealthy skin. Works extremely well in combating acne.
In slow healing patients and the elderly it has a very positive effect in healing wounds such as ulceration including cuts and scars as it speeds up healing process. It is beneficial in helping reverse the signs of an ageing skin. A course of treatment can significantly improve moisture retention and texture, it is fantastic at restoring the skin back to a healthy condition. Promotes skin tissue healing as it increases blood circulation and collagen production.
Light therapy is the future of facial rejuvenation. It is also technically known as LED Photo rejuvenation, Photofacial and Phototherapy
Remember you saw it here first!
Price single treatment £60
Book 6 treatments and get one free only £300